Coaching for a Public Administration in a leadership role

To support those working in public administration in turning vision into action, overcoming the 'it has always been done this way,' occasional cynicism from colleagues, political interference, and all the other factors that may lead public employees to adopt a more passive and discouraged attitude.

The project player PA

The programs proposed for Public Administration integrate the skills and experiences gained alongside various public organizations. Using a continuously evolving and personalized synthesis, they provide content and tools that help build confidence and trust, clarity and courage, resilience and leadership. The goal is to become increasingly capable of initiating and completing changes.

Depending on the case, individual, group, or team courses are activated. The sessions take place both in person and through web and/or phone.

Pubblica aamministrazione

Prevalent intervention areas

PA-coaching – eng

Particularly suitable for public managers and those who de facto act in their roles (such as some High Qualifications in small local authorities, for example).

To prepare or guide people during professional growth, such as transitioning from High Qualification to Manager, or from a functionary to High Qualification or Coordinator.

In a change of organisation, to provide support for a faster and more effective integration into the new context and team.

To develop young talent, giving them a significant opportunity to increase selfawareness and soft skills.

Created for medical and social care workers; also useful for those working in the management of social and socio-educational services.

If you want to know about the projects and clients I have worked with,

Coaching is available in various modalities:

Individual Journeys: from six to eight sessions, each lasting one hour, accessible remotely (web sessions).

Team coaching: for people who work within the same organisation.

Group coaching: ‘individual group coaching,’ particularly effective for homogeneous groups of participants (e.g., a group of high qualifications, a group of executives).