Unleash your energy, take action now.

I am a curious explorer passionate about genuine communication, forging connections, and nurturing awareness. The Project Player is the brand I've crafted to embody my distinctive style.

Barbara Chiavarino montagna

A project is what propels us towards happiness

This is the motto of The Project Player.

Guiding organisations and communities in developing the ability to live, entrepreneurship and project management, from vision to realisation, is the vision that drives the way we work.
Why talk about projects and happiness together?

For whom?


direttori d'orchestra

Businesses: their challenges, expectations, and results are at the core of every coaching, training, and consulting action.
Time and resources are precious for business.
For this reason, each proposal aims to achieve concrete objectives and foster the growth of internal personnel.


collaboriamo per spezzare catene

Clarify your vision, identify your goals, update your belief system and take action.
As a coach I support and guide people in developing self-awareness, learning from experience and embracing the new with confidence, replacing guilt with a genuine sense of responsibility.

Public Administration

the project player pubbliche amministrazioni

Transversal  skills and the ability to successfully address emerging challenges, both internally and in relation to stakeholders and citizens, are essential.
The role of PA is increasingly crucial and requires constantly updated skills, motivation and language, specially in the context of service development. For many years, I have been actively collaborating with the PA to implement projects aimed in these directions.


My formula

Whatever I do, whether it’s consulting, training, coaching, or edutainment, these ingredients form the basis of my way of being and working.

If you want to know about the projects and clients I have worked with,